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Hello everyone… sorry I wasn’t able to update this blog as often as I had wanted to… I have just got back from New England today and am still a little jet lagged but feel able to post something of my trip… mainly centred around Miss Sarah Gregory, who generously put me up for a week whilst I was there. We filmed a lot, I met her crazy dogs and I also met a few Fetlifers who attend some of the parties (I’m already signed up for BBW in April…) so I’ll be meeting up with everyone I met this time and of course this will also be my 1st BBW party… I’m so looking forward to it!

If I could go back right now, I would, I got to see a side to sarah not many people will know… she’s very talented in her vanilla life and it was a privilege to see that side of her. Of course, I also got to film with Joelle Barros again. Sarah and I helped each other out and we have both got some fantastic content for both our sites and there will be a lot of promo work between our sites as you’ll see as well as many more future collaborations in other areas – exciting times indeed!

Ok… I am actually flagging a bit, eyes are getting droopy, so I’ll upload some content and briefly describe what and why it was filmed for your info behind the scenes! The images below are for my site as I believe Sarah will get something up on her blog soon enough. The 1st set of images are playtime stuff… rural CT, Rockefeller Center (ice skating and Xmas Tree) and Times Square in NYC!

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Below are some films, some based on events whilst I stayed there (these are always the best!)


Sarah gets spanked for overcooking the broccoli (it was mashed up and very soft) – that was my welcome 😉


Sarah’s dolly fetish goes a step too far so some tough love is needed to resolve this!!! (she wasn’t happy about it)


Sister Gregory is caught self defiling by a shocked Reverend Osborne… but he remembers from his hard school days how to deal with such unholy impurity!


This was Joelle’s 1st film with me in over a year and it was fantastic to catch up with her… I love hearing her stories and what she plans to do (travel to Brazil, meeting beautiful girls and such). In this film… Maid Joelle is reminded that the silver service and dirty cut glass are not on the menu at John’s forthcoming high class dinner party… he finds time to remind her the only way he knows how!


A lovely bitchy F/F film with both girls fighting it out over the best masks for the ball… sarah gets one over Joelle when she deliberately chooses one that Joelle would hate… can’t wait to see this and I got some great filming angles of Joelle’s long legs and Sarah’s firm hands in this film.

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I loved making this quirky and fun film… this will be the 1st film released at Xmas – Stepford Wives Spankings… and there’s a great twist at the end… a fun film with both girls looking HOT HOT HOT!!!


Pyjama spankings are never far from my thoughts… this is a great midnight feast caning as I catch Joelle scoffing the staff cheese and biscuits/cookies. So a hard caning is in order! *sigh* any excuse, eh?


& of course, Sarah Gregory gets a warm welcome to the Wheelbarrow Club as one of the hottest in this series to date got made… I promise you it’s worth it!!! I also have some films of Joelle in POV style and Sarah as a spanked Cheerleader (mm mmm!) so there’s plenty to come from this little film shoot on my part!

Ok, back soon with all the updates including latest 3 girl cheerleader film coming out tomorrow.




  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun! How exciting! Those are tons of awesome looking scenes, too. Wow, literally bunches and bunches of them.

    With Sarah being my friend and everything, is it pervy/inappropriate for me to say that she looks particularly hot in her wheelbarrow pose? Perhaps I’m just pervy/inappropriate. 😛

  2. Yay. I love the blog post. I will post soon too on your visit and our shoots on my blog, I miss you already.

    @Alex Reynolds – Thanks sweetie, looking forward to seeing you soon.

  3. Tim Tim

    Very nice post ,lucky you to stay with young Sarah who I know from her blog and her sites and young Joelle who is a cute little spankee,nice design on your blog for Christmas ,best,Tim.

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