I was going through some of my old mailers that I often prepare and came across this little beauty.
LOL, what was I on at the time? It’s so dark and forboding!
However, I remember this shoot and the setting was grim (I don’t mean that the venue was the pits, but the mood and setting was perfect to convey the doom and gloom any unfortunate schoolgirl faced alone with HeadMistress!)
This was shot for Spankedschoolgirl.com

So, back to this mailer, was I bitter with the missus that day?
Maybe I gave her such a spanking that she refused to warm my slippers then bring me my coffee & morning newspaper in bed?*
*may be factually incorrect (LOL)
Sometimes I even scare myself, not sure if you can use the pic as a desktop but I have the original PNG. Send me a comment if you want the full size pic and I’ll try to source it for you all. Think this leads to a Free Gallery of the “Grim Strapping”. Enjoy! 😉