As I stated earlier when I gave you the First FREE Pics – CLICK HERE – from Elizabeth’s humiliating Movie…
“Anus & Vagina Exposed!”
I was very excited about seeing this old movie, now revamped, and surprisingly never shown until now!!!
Welcome to the First taster of the type of punishment she got when propped up on that hard table.
Her bare ass was exposed for her paddling. See the cheeks clench, quiver & buckle under the paddling she got here.
Listen to her voice breaking under the duress and verbal assault she was receiving.
Seriously, much worse was to come (including a horrible verbal tongue lashing – real potty mouth abuse!!!)
For the sake of Elizabeth’s modesty, I am unsure whether I can ever show you guys (for free at least) what happened.
Members of course (see HERE) can view the FULL Movie and revel in her predicament…
The extent of her nasty and humiliating punishment is given away somewhat by the title of the movie, eh?
For now though, feast your eyes on one of the industry’s most leathered and punished behinds.
Will this girl EVER learn? I hope not! 😀
I just had to share this with you as I do adore Heather Stanton.
This is the very latest update out now from SPANKINGONLINE
I’ve also included some random FULL SIZE pics of her, good luck finding them! LOL
Random pics – where are they?
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9
Have a good one, back soon with some more great spanking news and updates! 😉