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Big Bottomed Girls Getting it!

Wobblesome butts, I love seeing them jiggle and heave under a good old fashioned and proper old skool OTK spanking!
The latest update at SpankedSchoolgirl covers this admirably!
Bridie has a massive pair of buttocks, this filthy schoolgirl is in serious trouble with Headmaster!

click here to see more

Disgraceful schoolgirl Bridie’s shame knows no bounds!

Indeed, a thorough OTK follows, the beauty of this film is that it’s out now in full.
I also know that there’s a FULL HD version available which will be downloadable (as well) by the end of the week!
This HD, as you should know by now, isn’t that wishy washy promise and really some sort of Hi Res at 1200kbs playback…
Oh no, this is the REAL Deal as you all would know, no other spanking group of sites has this!

I’ve made some pics of Bridie FULL wobblesome arse cheeks getting spanked.
No use hiding that teen rash, young lady, not when your bottom is fully exposed!

Like seeing girls with huge arses spanked?
You’ll love this latest shameful film, which includes a FULL HD Download file as part of the movie update!
CLICK Here for more info!

OK, it’s late, hope you enjoyed these massive buttocks thrashed
back soon


  1. Brad Brad

    Ok Chief, you just KNOW i am going to love that one. Another panty insection or bottom inspection…ohhh, i am getting the shivers….lol

    AWESOME….love the inspection thing…..


  2. richard edwards richard edwards

    whatthe hell is your obsession with girls and shitty arses. i have heard how all of you guys talk to the girls and how you want ot see them as dirty , filthy , individuals.

    You often use dialog about them smelling. I really think you need some sort of councelling. It might be that all the women in your early life were smelly, dirty people. Maybeyou feel inferior to women and this is the only way you can get back at them. Either that or you need to show more imagination.

  3. ^^^^
    LOL! You think I’m into scat? Whatever! I’m certainly NOT into shitty arses!
    If you’re gonna leave comments, at least be brave enough to give me your real email address, I don’t think that “Dick” ed yahoo address is real, is it? haw haw haw (that’s really original)
    Anyway, thanks for taking time to write in… 🙂

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