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Latest Film Shoot Gossip & News

I’ve just recovered from the last film shoot and the horrendous journey back home late the following day as it is the start of bank Holiday here in the UK. What is it with these people and their Campervans, slowing up traffic, they are a menace! Anyway, got back around midnight last night and was so tired I only got up an hour or 2 ago!
I have some of my own data and some first pics highlighting what we did.
We also had the very lovely Jodie back who finally admitted to us that she needed it hard and wanted, yes..WANTED to be caned hard so we were happy to oblige!

Jodie coming very soon!

OMG! Now if that hasn’t got the juices flowing…then SpankPass members will be the first to get a load of this! Click on the image below to enlarge!

See Jodie spanked

Ah, the above is my very own handprint!  😀
The Chief can heartliy recommend Jodie’s films first hand and also from behind the lens of Cam2!
I also managed to sneak a few very EXCLUSIVE Behind the scenes images with my portable cam
Click on the image below for the 20 Image Gallery!

Click HERE to see the FREE Gallery

Now what you may also find amusing is the fact we noticed Elizabeth hadn’t been updating her Blog!
She foolishly admitted to me she’d been out shopping (she’s ALWAYS bloody shopping!)
Well, in a cross cultural Blogger sort of thing, we decided to do an impromptu & very funny spanking/strapping film.
So I was the lucky bloke able to berate Elizabeth then get to grips with that womanly bottom!

SMB Blog Blunders

Hopefully Elizabeth has learnt her lesson (as she promised me) & has since updated her Blog!
Meanwhile, here’s a couple of bonus pics from this movie (click on them to enlarge)

The last pic is me admiring my strap marks as she got a fair few for cheeking me back!
Don’t forget, lovers of Elizabeth Simpson can see her at her site HERE or at the SpankPass which I’ve already featured.

I’ll catch up with you all soon, however it’s the holiday period and the Missus has me doing chores!
Groan!  🙁
Here’s to another wet bank Holiday in the UK!
Regards, Chief.

One Comment

  1. lol great pix. Fab idea to post behind-the-scenes pix on a shoot–always curuious as to what transpires at a spank-shoot.

    Hope you can stop doing your chores, and go shopping or something fun 🙂


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