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Some of my Fave Models Updates

I have a few girls I’d like you to see, updated at the sites below:
First up, in this very popular and amusing series of films, is the ever foolish Elizabeth Simpson!

click here

You’d think she’d learn by now, but, oh no…still unable to grasp what the Credit Crunch or real world finance is all about, once again, we see Elizabeth chastised for a real life event, punished on film for added humiliation.

click here
Check out some stills from her slippering movie below – enjoy!

For this Real Life Series and all her others – CLICK HERE for the movies

Amelia Jane Rutherford is quickly becoming an internet spanking phenomenon, and I fail to see why 😀
What use is there for seeing a beautiful tall girl, athletic, dance trained, with toned legs and bod, a very pert pair of cheeks and that posh plummy voice begging for her spankers to punish this brat again and again…I just don’t get the appeal, anyone???
Well, here in one of her prison roles at Bar and Stripes, I’ll let you all decide!

click here

If you are unlike me, and have taste and want to see a cracking punishment clip EXCLUSIVE to Bars and Stripes – then check out the CLIP below!

click to view here

click here for more

Dunno what it is about those red uniforms, maybe a reminder from Gauntanamo? But seeing these girls punished in them, their bare bottom thrashed with all manner of implement inside an institution of correction makes me warm inside, seeing justice done to brats that deserve it!



Finally, Miss Strict from StrictSpanking has 2 of my fave girls punished, and the latter is a brand new review.

click to see more here
First up is the very delectable Emily Baxter, infamous at the xerotics group of sites, this remastered classic of her punished at home, in her, what I call “blonde” period – is one of my fave movies of her, restrained by Miss Smith, she is spanked and caned across her pert red cheeks by Uncle – I have madean EXCLUSIVE FREE Gallery of this below:

click to view here

OK, once you’ve settled down after that lovely view, check out Jasmine Johnson’s exclusive review at StrictSpanking
In this movies, she hated doing her homework, however, she is soon persuaded that doing homework is better than getting her cute botty spanked and then caned! Click on any image below for a nice spanking clip, this girl just doesn’t know when to shut up!!! You have to admire her spirit…all the better to break and make her snivel.

As I said, this is a cracking movie, and members at Strict Spanking will also be able to view her hard caning scenes, her reactions are worth the membership alone!!

see more here

OK, back soon, I had just escaped some gardening chores, but now the Missus is calling for more help…damn!

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