There’s a brand new movie which has been out this week at SpankedSchoolgirl and seeing both Lottie and Jodie in this brought back all the memories of that day when it was filmed in January. Yes it’s April 1st today (and I will NOT be posting any “hilarious” false news or headlines, that is sooooo lame)…what hasn’t changed is the freezing weather! They say it’s now British Summertime here in the UK, it’s cold, it’s STILL snowing up north…brrrr, reminds me of this chilly January day when both these girls, in their lovely uniforms, were punished in turn and in front of each other by both Mr & Mrs W who really humiliated them by the time these 2 urchins had learnt their lesson!
This update today features some images behind the scenes I took during filming, as well as some excellent vid grab images from the actual movie and a link to Lottie’s hard strapping as well as an EXCLUSIVE snippet I cut showing you Jodie trying to answer back and getting punished hard for it! It’s easily the best movie shown this year at SpankedSchoolgirl and the images and clips below will reinforce what I’m saying! Enjoy!
Answering back is NOT an option and Jodie’s punishment, as you’ll have seen, is all the more severe for it! Lottie is forced to look on and knows her turn is coming up!
Lottie’s turn is no less severe, and in fact, I reckon her punishment is worse as she knew what would happen if she dared to question or answer back, yet that is what she did so the strap bit harder into her flesh and the verbal chastisement became all that more personal! There’s a FREE Sample clip if you click on the image below (located on the home page, well worth viewing if you haven’t seen it yet!!)
below I have got you a few bonus images I took during the filming so you get an idea of the lighting, the number of people around the set etc, the quality isn’t that great as I couldn’t use a flash otherwsie I’d have got my arse tanned for interfering with the movie 🙂 (height of discretion…me!)
You can download this Full Schoolgirl movie HERE – Highly Recommended!
I will be back later with other site updates & insights very soon! Regards, Chief.