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Behind the scenes of “Nothing Sexual!”

As promised, I will let you know what went on behind the scenes of certain movies we produced at AAAspanking and this one I wanted to let you know about as it was one of my favorites as it was quite funny and Jasmine proved what a great little actress she was by going along with my outrageous ad libbing.


It was Jasmine’s last film of the day and her bottom was quite sore already, so it quickly reddened up, I agreed not to thrash the hell out of her, and to be honest I was knackered anyway (those who attend film shoots will understand) & there was no need to as I decided to play a grumpy hypocrite who turns down a sexual favor any red blooded male would jump at from stunning Jasmine (am I mad???) preferring instead to spank and caress/grope her bared red bottom as way of punishment instead… to which I say repeatedly that it was “nothing sexual” and just erotic – a bit like my claims of when I’d furtively buy Kane magazine years ago and tell my missus that I wasn’t “getting off” on the mags when she saw them stashed away, oh good god, no! “they were just forms of eroticism I was investigating” and so on… LOL!

We somehow made this through in one take as there was much tittering and giggling in the background as the banter between Jasmine and myself got more lewd and ridiculous… If you see on the tour pages (where there is a different free promo clip) you can read the story of the film there in full, but in brief: Jasmine offers herself sexually to her boss, Mr Osborne to make up for her costly mistake… however he shuns her advances, in fact he is “disgusted” and instead seizes a chance to spank and punish the girl instead – but she considers his over zealous caressing and groping of her firm toned buttocks and gawping at her when she is ordered to strip naked somewhat “Sexual” He retorts again and again that this is just “Erotic” (indeed it may be, Mr Osborne)… and of course this film does indeed have highly erotic scenes of Jasmine bent over getting her sore bum whacked with a hairbrush and continually spanked and carressed as Mr Osborne secretly leers at her behind her back even plays up to the cameras!!! Involving, you… the viewer to check out more of this wanton temptress! We had a lot of fun making this film and hope you enjoy it too! For those who are not members, please do check out some images I have provided from the movie below, I have also included my special free clip which shows the moment I talk to the camera as Jasmine “mocks” us mere mortal spankos as I seem to fail to persuade her that I am not sexually turned on… ahem! Ha! I blame her nakededness for arousing me in the first place – PUNISH HER! “She be a temptress!”

You can see why Jasmine is one of the most popular models to work with and view as a member with the exclusive clip (below) and I can assure you there are other great films already there and many more to come! Jasmine loves her fetish work (even though she is quite well known now as one of the UK’s hottest up and coming adult actresses, this kink of hers is genuine and we think it shows!) She admitted to me between our films that she actually tried to introduce a little spanking into her hard core films too, when the – um – actors were banging her and I admit that I have seen some of her work and there are some slaps and whacks as she is being ravaged by some stud! (phew!) Anyway, I am again digressing, I am 100% positive that we will be employing the services of Jasmine again in the very near future!

Feel free to check out the FULL 350Mb Film of Jasmine’s punishment HERE


Reminder: We are filming in less than 2 weeks so I would like to say “thanks” to those that have written in with suggestions already and the location images I hope, are there to help you come up with scenarios! CLICK HERE for the reminder post if you’ve missed it. (I’ll be back later with my round up of other hot updates from around t’Globe and I promise some of these are “Trouser-rousal-riffic!”)


  1. tim tim

    Chief i am a member of your but when i try to log on with my codes it does not let me in yet a few days ago i could there is some stupid system there now please check it out i am a recurring paid member ,tim

  2. Hi Tim. Please use the support email address for stuff like this in future as this is a blog and not support for AAA Spanking.

    However, that is a Strongbox system. It’s quite straight forward.

    You have your codes from your email when you signed up, what you need to do is copy/paste them in the new boxes provided and then enter the 5 letters you see (which are in CAPITALS) from the image box, this is a common system called captcha which helps stop those who want to try and guess username/passwords since I have had my stuff shared and passed out to password trading sites already when I foolishly allowed in the 1st 2 days users to set their own codes. CCBill now assigns new users more difficult codes which are not dictionary terms names or words that password crackers throw at membership site entrypoints.

    There is a box to tick to remember your codes then each time you log in after this, you only need to see the new 5 letter word and enter that, it will change every session you log in.

    Obviously keep your username/password safe for your reference in case you need to contact us in the unlikely event something has happened to your codes then I can look you up and advise further. Hope this helps.

    Sorry I’ve had to add this extra security but many sites are now protecting themselves with the same system and it does help stop hackers and brute force attacks and stops any shared passwords very quickly without me having to check every day, I would just get informed if there was a problem.


  3. Tim, your email address is blocking all my replies, I can’t help if your bloody email addres is blocking everything

    write to me at my mail address (it’s a gmail account but I only use this as a back up as it is not for support)

    eubilling AT gmail dot com (I’m not posting it here as a proper joined email address or spam bots will get hold of it)

  4. tim tim

    hullo thanks for your help but my email is not working i did put my codes in and the words code at your new site which i enjoy i joined at the beginning i shall try again ,best ,tim .

  5. Here was one of my replies to your email that was returned (open a new account like hotmail or gmail if u need to in future) Now if you write back from a new address, so I know it’s you, and not some one pretending to be you (sad I know!) just give me the town of your billing as I can of course see all your sign up details, that way I will know it is you if you need to write back on a new address but follow my advice below and you should be ok)

    Tim, I have checked the strongbox security log and this is what happened.
    You either put in the wrong password or then typed the wrong 5 letters of the image.
    When you made repeated failed entries you were locked out.
    legitimate people would then write in like yourself (repeated fails in a short time locks the account!)

    here’s my tips: always write the letters of the image text you are asked to write into the box you see in CAPITALS, it will always be 5 letters long and must match exactly what you see.
    I also always keep my codes safe as a text file, so I just create a quick text file (right click on desktop, go to NEW on menu, then create a text file from options) I then enter my codes at whatever site I am a member of (I am a member of a lot so have them all to hand) and add notes for my reference.

    that way you can then just copy and paste codes in if you delete your cookies/internet files as you have to do sometimes, the file can be amended deleted whatever when membership is over and usually keep it on desktop somewhere safe and obvious to me. hope this helps.

    Once you enter codes correctly, enter the 5 letter word in CAPITALS, and save the codes, tick the box to save your user and pass and next time it should remember your codes and all you got to do is type in the new 5 letter word shown.

    let me know if this works, otherwise I should be able to change your password if you continue to have a problem but you need to be able to receive my mails!

  6. tim tim

    hullo again i tried againfollowing your comments i used my codes which i checked on the sign up check page and copied them down again ,i tried to sign up to g.mail but so complicated ill try hot mail ,im XXXXXXXXXX (edit: removed by Chief for security purposes) on my billing i have the id details codes which i can give you if needed ,hope this can be sorted out soon ,many thanks for your help ,tim .

  7. OK Tim, I really can not help you without you sorting out an email address. This is the very least anyone should be able to communicate with as it is vitally important. Why your ISP (I HATE that ISP with a vengeance) blocks mails is beyond me, you must have set it to the hihest level as it blocks everything I try to send from incl Hotmail and Gmail which is worng. But get a hotmail or ANY free account, they are simple to set up, honest! I can not give you further info or codes etc as everyone would read the comments here 🙂

    All I can think of is completely clear your cookies and temp internet files, that will stop any saved codes by your browsers, be aware this will clear other codes saved for other sites but if you have a copy of everything – then do it. You have to clear this from time to time anyway… It looks like a code you saved in the first place is maybe wrong or copied wrong. This way you can start from scratch and it should work if you follow previous advice and the user/pass you enter is correct. If you use a site like Spankingmags – they have the same system. Once you set it up right it’s no sweat, really. This system only uses the same stuff as captcha technology that many forums or whatever you sign up for ask to write in to ensure it is a person rather than a bot or some spamming sign up etc.

    Anyway, set up a Hotmail address, write back with your new email and you details to prove it’s you and I will give you a new user/pass.

    I won’t print the comment next time you write in as you should be able to get my reply.

    All the best

  8. tim tim

    hullo i have set up a hotmail account so ill send you a letter with the details and perhaps you would send me new codes ,best from tim

  9. you have mail, let me know on my email I sent you if that worked, thanks.

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