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Proper womanly punishments!

I hope you have been taking part in the poll, some quite interesting trends so far… please do take part as it all helps in the decision process.

You might also want to know that I have recently regained control of and have some exciting plans for that with that site I want to focus primarily on older/retro images and sites that show spankings filmed, say 4 or 5 years ago or more. I will try to focus on magazines/images and stuff from the 1980s when I can too making it a rather more interesting place to visit! This will be a lengthy work in progress and will have me waffling less and less on there as I have promised (with any luck!) as I’ll need the extra time to change the site appearance/banners/content.

Likewise here, apart from the odd rant, I have decided that boring you all with my superb rapier like wit and jovial banter should change, less procrastination, less waffle… but more focus on the site updates and sites that I like to feature or write about! Of course I’m going to have wobblies and go off on one every now and then… only seems fair so I’m not totally predictable, eh? Today’s post has obviously FAILED epicly as I drivel on… but I shall try and change that next time, lol!

Now here is something we filmed a while ago and it is just released at AAAspanking – it’s one of those rare chances to see those uppity, butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth madams like Jean Bradley get their come-uppances after dishing it out oh so many times to others! She agreed to film some specials with us a while back and she can take one hell of a thrashing as well as give it out as you’ll have seen! Jean played the perfect lazy, hungover housewife in this movie (I didn’t delve too deeply as to how she played this part so well!!!) I’m not going to show a clip here but members can of course see this excellent spanking movie for themselves, I have some promo images, of course.

I love domestic discipline scenes with Husband and wife as these can be quite severe!!!
This movie was precisely that – a grown woman getting a much needed red bottom thrashing!


Full explanation & more info on the latest movies like this one are on the tour pages…

I have decided to start reducing images that I show in size, unless I feel it’s necessary to showcase something in particular, DON’T WORRY, you probably won’t notice. I want to give members of sites the chance that they are getting something else the rest of you won’t be as we all know the only way to fully appreciate a website is to check it out inside… I can only do so much to assist. However, I will never promote anything I wouldn’t sign up to myself 🙂


Have a good evening, enjoy this fine Polish cake I found whilst arsing about again on the internets! Delicious “Bum Bum” cake… I’m sold!

One Comment

  1. paul down paul down

    I really did like the first part of the the wife spanking. I think Paul and Jean worked really well together. And yes the jamas helped lol.

    Will but a brief review on my blog along with previous pjs blogg in the next day or two.

    Great stuff again Chief/


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