Edit: This post is cut short as “Er indoors” wants me to spend more time with her… “fair enough” as she’s going to be away for 10 days on Sunday. Still, hope you enjoy what I’ve written so far… more to follow tomorrow 🙂
Here are a fine set of spanking movies, clips and brief movie previews and reviews of what I’ve been watching throughout this week that I’ve not yet posted. It’s a nice mix of brand new content and stuff you might not have seen much of recently… but I’m sure you’ll enjoy this all as we head towards yet another holiday weekend… So no bleating or waffle from me today, no LOLcats, no soapboxes, no gentlemen’s bottoms… nope, not today! Just pretty girls and those very naughty females that really are in need of a damned good spanking!
I hadn’t featured Lila in some of her movies, so thought you’d like this one that I had watched earlier this week from a recent update… Lila is suitably chastised alongside schoolgirl Frankie when Mr M’s snap knicker inspection shows that Lila isn’t wearing any at all… so cue a humiliating naked spanking on the desk in front of Frankie and her bottom and privates on display for us all to ogle… Lila is gorgeously slinky and is easily one of the most spankable girls at this dedicated schoolgirl spanking site this year, as you’ll understand below!
See all the very latest severe institutional punishments HERE
Staying on the schoolgirl theme, you won’t believe your eyes if you check out the very latest movie from Japan’s Cutiespankee … and that’s because they have a very naughty film with a great theme… you know I love the Japanese girls and their punishments, the humiliation and obedience they must perform at home and at school, well… for some bizarre reason, this girl is getting an “Anus Inspection” back home by her very strict mother (I’m not complaining, of course… it just somewhat surprised me) and mother isn’t messing around… doing her duty to ensure that everything is as it should be, fingering the girl’s pucker before her displeasure leads to this poor blubbing thing’s further shame & punishment!
Check out more of the latest spanking punishments with more free previews – Click Here
Do you want to see the very latest films that are out at Amber’s sites? Of course you do! Redhead Amber’s latest film at her site SpankAmber is an all girl affair when she is spanked by Lil’ West who has her hair done up in Amber style pigtails and this perky girl could be a dead ringer for Amber at certain points. Of course, I hide no fact that I really rate Amber’s sites… the stuff she does is like no other website… first of all, she is unique to her site, of course… and although some of her stuff got sold or licensed elsewhere (I won’t say where but they then downgraded the quality of her films which I never understand… why ruin a decent product? Anyway, I’m digressing… where was I?) Oh yeah… she told me this was a bad mistake but fortunately all her best stuff has always remained at her sites in Hi Res and HD quality playback for users of Macs, Apple’s i-Pad and us poor schmucks stuck with our glorious Windows Operating systems. Check out the images of these 2 girls at play as Amber is given a good test spanking by West with various ouchy things and there’s some scenes of wrestling and West discovering Amber is very ticklish, pleasure and pain, red bottoms and more with an unbelievable butt jiggling scene from both girls as they shake their tushys for the camera at the end… um, I got wood (unsurpringsly!)
Seriously the final scene of Amber’s shaking tushy shows just how all her hard work in the gym pays off… this is a flame haired girl with a “Booty” that would rival any self respecting “Gangsta Girl” – and she loves getting it spanked!!! All this is exclusive to SpankAmber.com
Talking of which, Amber also told me that her long awaited first film with a beautiful black girl is coming soon (yes, I had been hassling her about it ever since she told us all about it on her blog) – but until then… the amazing films at Amberspanks.com continue with one of Amber’s most naughty and erotic videos with a returnee, Roxy, who I’ve shown before not long ago… but check out what they are up to this week! I think the images below will leave you all in no doubt as to the Trouser Busting ratings I give this and Amber is really revelling in her F/F roles and getting more rude and daring with the girls! 🙂
Check out Amber’s naughty films HERE & don’t forget to check out her money saving option of signing up to BOTH her sites for less than $30! (Chief’s edit: I have to say Amber’s Daddy must have had nerves of steel in this hot film seeing his girl with Roxy! A true professional!)
I just noticed that Amber has worked with West again and this switchy girl will be appearing at Amberspanks.com sometime soon, another reason to check out her sites!
tyi love the screengrabs and updates and that you noticed ive gotten ruder and more daring wait until you see whats next!!! i have a problem! i updated the latest wordpress and now its asking me for password promps even though if you cancel it goes away can you help me puhleeeeeeeeeease
Yeah, I saw that… maybe you’ve put the blog folder on a password protect in your cpanel? I’m not sure, when I mess up I just Google my issue and see what comes up, it sometimes helps! & yes, you have got ruder, haven’t you? 😀
Chief, LOVE the Japanese inspection thing and GOOD spanking..(hard) HOWEVER,whats up with the Editing or blurred out shot of her ass? This is why i never join Japanese sites????
I know what you mean , it’s the law or something in Japan for Japanese based sites… sometimes you see the girls sex or male erect members blurred whilst those that aren’t based in Japan show full hardcore. So I guess they’re based entirely in Japan. However, I have noticed this doesn’t really apply to their assholes generally and I’ve seen more than enough at this site to satisfy me as these girls have the cutest roundest rumps on Earth, they really do… and the way they cry pathetically… pleading (they sound like this in orgasm too, lol) is still a good reason for me to happily promote them… I don’t promote anything I’m not happy with anymore… but I realize it’s not everyone’s “cup of tea” but I do wish they could show a little more as that would be awesome!
Maybe if someone could sponsor me to go out there and film them then take our data back and edit it fully as intended outside of Japan I’d happily offer this service! 🙂
I KNOW, they really cry and whine like naughty little girls…..and OMG yeah, their cute bums! Whew….
At any rate, i guess maybe the Japanese dont want to offend us with full shots of the girls sex or something?..LMAO …Oh paaleeease!
thanks Chief