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Lucky to be alive!

Well, I was hoping to enthuse to you about my fantastic shoot with Sarah Gregory today – & it was, we filmed some amazing stuff she had never filmed before, took her to some new limits as Sarah filmed with both us and Northern Spanking over 2 days… I can honestly say it was a real pleasure to work with a girl who is a true professional! (Just wait til you hear her “British” accent… OMG! ) She was a complete doll so a big thanks to her and her daddy, Paul Rogers.

However, as you’ll have seen from the image below, I had a near death experience last night travelling home from a meal with Sarah & co and completely wrecked my car on the motorway (freeway) … so Sarah, Paul & Paul… if you read this, you were my last passengers!
Fortunately I wasn’t travelling fast at the time of the accident but it appeared that I hit something in the road and before I knew it the car was facing the central concrete barrier as I moved along at 70mph and I somehow managed to ease it off the road… in between getting whacked with the airbags which have left me cut and with loose teeth, I’m now starting to feel the horrible aches and pains and bruising! I feel like I’ve gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson – so as you can imagine, this happened just 18 hours ago and I’m still shaken by it. I honestly thought that was it and all I really remember was angrily shouting “OH NOOOOOOOOOO!” as the car first impacted the barrier and the airbags went off, I thought that was it… I guess if that had happened when the road was busy this would be a very different outcome. I’m grateful I’m alive, but now as I get over the shock I realize I have no car, huge mounting debts and a 2nd job I now can’t get to until I get the insurance sorted (the car was a beauty and ran and ran… I will get no where near a fair price) oh well, at least I’m alive and droning on to you guys.

I promise to let you know more about my Sarah Gregory film shoot very soon… If I’m up to it, I’ll post a brand new image set with her at AAAspanking tomorrow – but I hope you understand just how fragile I’m feeling today. Thanks for reading this, I guess if you wanna help support me then you could always sign up to my site HERE – believe me, I am going to need all the help I can get as this has just about scuppered my plans to go to the Shadowlane Party in September as I now can’t afford to go after this latest setback, I am so so gutted! 🙁

Back soon


  1. Frank Frank

    Oh man, I never usually comment just lurk and love your blog but felt I had to say something and had to say hope your fine. A good friend of mine was involved in a traffic pile up not too long ago and has never been the same since. His car was smashed to pieces and he still has nightmares about what he saw that day. Keep up your good work here, when can we see the cats again, I liked them and also at your own site which I’m a member of and dont give in. I just wanted to add my support to you and your site has got some great stuff so looking forward to seeing what you did with Sarah

  2. How awful and scary — I am so sorry! 🙁 I hope you feel better soon and are able to sort things out. Rest and don’t push yourself.

    Sarah and Paul are lovely, aren’t they?

  3. iwasrobert iwasrobert

    Wow, glad you are all in once piece (well, aside from the aches and pains)!

    This sort of thing is exactly why people shouldn’t drink and drive. Even if one is totally sober this kind of accident can happen through no fault of one’s own. If you’re drunk you stand a much lesser chance of getting out of it all in reasonable condition. /rant

  4. Sorry to hear about the car but glad to hear that your injuries aren’t as bad as they could have been.


  5. Paul Down Paul Down

    Hi Chief,

    What a day of mixed of emotions. So glad you are alright. be safe,


  6. OMG that must of been some crash!! I would of been so scared.

    I am so glad your safe and okay!

    Sound like your in alot of pain I hope your better soon.


    p.s I bet you really loved spanking Sarah,she is so beautiful.Love her expressions as she is being spanked and what a booty!!

  7. Thanks everyone and to anyone else that just says “hi” – I’m feeling a little better today, still thankful it wasn’t any worse and getting over the shock, it’s not surreal anymore… the car I once loved to drive as it never let me down in 6 years is a mass of twisted metal on my driveway waiting for it to be scrapped. It’s so sad 🙁

  8. Wish I could be there to give you a hug.

  9. I’m booking my Quantas flight now! 🙂

  10. Photino Photino

    Glad you’re safe – I hope you got yourself checked out – just in case something is damaged inside.

  11. OMG, I am so sorry. I am glad that you aren’t more injured and are ok. I am thinking of you. It was great to meet you and work for you too.

    xoxo Sarah

  12. I’m sorry to hear about that horrible accident and about your car, but I’m glad that you weren’t seriously injured and that you are already feeling better. Take care!

  13. tim tim

    John glad you are alright after the crash ,best wishes ,tim.

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