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Sarah Gregory Updates

Hi all, since I was so impressed with seeing some of Sarah’s work up close and personal… I have had a new appreciation for her movies when she switches! Boy.. is she mean! I know that from the fact that she did a switching film during our session earlier in the week and Sarah was a changed person… I almost (I say “almost”) felt sorry for Donna who was the victim dressed as a rather tarty French maid… I’ve got some more images from our shoot with Sarah which members will of course be able to view over the coming months but to start with, why not check out what this talented minx has been up to at her very own site?

Let’s start with the way she punished a rival model, Whitney… just check out Whitney’s sore bruised red bottom in the images below! This kind of related to me as at my Shoot we discussed her time with Clare, which sounded a blast, as I knew it would… (oh, Clare, if you’re perving and reading this… Sarah says “Hi!” and I passed on your message to her). So this is how Sarah got to get one over on her rival! Yikes!

Taken from the film “Bad Model” : Sarah was not to happy to hear that her roommate Whitney was trying to steal a spanking shoot with Clare Fonda behind her back. She spanked her roomie hard to show her just what kind of a shoot she was getting herself into. Whitney was not a happy camper after the spanking Sarah had dished out and backed off with a very sore aching red bottom!

Of course, if you like to see Miss Gregory and friends get a good thrashing then this recent production release with Sarah’s real life “daddy” Paul Rogers & the hot tempting curvy Floridian actress, Galas, should tick all those spanking boxes… it sure did for me!

Here is the story behind the film “Burn Sinners burn!” : Sarah’s dad is a preacher and he is out of town on a business trip. Her friend, Galas, comes over to take her to a night club. Sarah knows that it is against the rules, but since dad is gone for the night, who will know? At least that is what she thought. Let’s just say it was surprises all around when daddy came home early to find his daughter dressed as a slut on her way out the door… and let’s just say that both girls get a good angry preacherman’s ranting with some old fashioned OTK spanking of these jezebels!

Much more on these movies and the very latest naughty free previews can be seen HERE


As promised, I have gone through my stills camera, these were images we took of actual films so you can be sure to see the full image sets, the HD video screens and the movies all coming to your friendly Triple A Spanking establishment very soon! So here is a brief selection of the images with a short “behind the scenes” description of what went on! Enjoy!

So… the above images represent some of what went on during our filmshoot with Sarah, I don’t have any particular faves as we were really pleased with some of the stuff we shot. I liked the 11th image of Sarah spanked in & out of her wet panties in front of a full length mirror. I filmed this and we used the natural light coming in through a stained glass window, Sarah hadn’t been spanked like this before which made it more special! The final image was after she took a hard caning after Donna demonstrated what some poor English girls might go through! Otherwise, there are the lovable, naughty dropseats and jim-jam punishments that I adore, the schoolgirl scenarios (yes always the schoolgirls), one of which was hilarious as Sarah could mimic a rather plummy upper class British accent, we get her to speak the “Queen’s English” (eventually) and bent over for a good old fashioned English slippering!
“I say! What Ho! Old chap!” 😀

We even did one with me and Sarah bickering as she played a tantrum ridden Diva trashing our beloved filmshoot with her pathetic demands (all rather too well…) oh and Sarah was awesome when she switched, poor Donna got a right earful and a surprisingly hard spanking which I hope will come across in the final edited film (whenever that will be!) there’s more, but I thought you’d like to see some of what we get up to!

All these films will compliment our other updates as we have been busy filming lots of other stuff too, so of course those who purchase our (rather cheap) 3 and 6 month memberships will be able to view all this forthcoming content as well as our growing archives and regular new HD spanking movies! But if you take out the monthly deals, you will see that those who stay are rewarded with lower rebills, I think that’s only fair, eh? & luckily we are seeing more people choose to stay, which I think is a good sign and that we must be doing something right, eh?

Check out the special membership sign ups HERE – it ain’t too bad!

Or check out the full site tour with over 30 movie previews & see for yourself!

One Comment

  1. Paul Down Paul Down

    Sorry to bore you to death Chief, I dont even have to mebntion rthe scene(s) that intererst me the most/ So for once I wont. lol

    Hope you are feeling less shaken now.

    regards paul

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