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Happy Holiday Weekend

I’m away at the mo but instead of not posting, I thought you’d like to check out the following galleries and such from some selected sites that contains all the spanking goodness we’ve come to expect on here! So enough of my waffle, enjoy these galleries! Have a great weekend and I’ll try get back and post something myself more personal on Monday.

From Clare’s sites, to celebrate Independance Day weekend, why not a good old fashioned tustle between Brit babe Sophie Nova and Californian honey, Hollie Stevens? Bring out the Red White & Blue!

More galleries from recent films at My Spanking Room Mate (below)

The Following galleries below are all from covering the strict, sensual and erotic spanking sections contained within this site!

& from my favorite site of Clare’s – – you get to see “Momma Clare” get a good “whupping” too as well as dishing it out to her sometimes deserving and nasty girls or the sweet newbies that Clare just loves to prey on, like Lindsay Meyers… who I have featured below (she just looks so cute and innocent in her glasses, but that’s the act Clare wants us punters to fall for to pay Top Dollar for her girls!) I’m sold! 🙂

Clare gets it good too from Miss Chris (ouch!)

& poor Miss Meyers gets it from Clare on her various visits…

All the above sites can be viewed as part of the infamous CLARE FONDA PASS (choose your number of sites you want to see and use one set of codes to access the sites for your convenience!)

OK, have a good one, back soon! Chief


PS. Don’t forget to check our AAA Spanking Store, later today at 1PM US East Coast time…
There’s a $4.99 movie with Leia-Ann Woods & a nasty hairbrush coming up!!! NOT to be missed!

One Comment

  1. tim tim

    happy 4th July to all my American spanko pals here ,lovely vids with Sophie a d Holly beautiful little spankees on Clares sites ,best from tim .

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