OK, there’s so much stuff going out at the mo that I have decided today to just try and limit each site update that I show today to just 6 main preview images and no more (hard for me, I know) but I shall try! Of course, if there’s anything that has caught your fancy then do go check out that site and they can often show you more with free HD clips and such which are often very generous! I’ll start with my own site AAA Spanking as I have placed up the promised new movie of Aleesha Fox getting caned & paddled by another of her uncles in the ongoing “Uncle knows best” series… this particular punishment was for messing around with Uncle Dave who lost control of the girls, so Uncle John uses a short sharp (very sharp, in fact) shock treatment with his favourite composite paddle (because it hurt so much) and a thick rattan cane which soon had gingham dress clad Aleesha compliant and feeling rather sorry for herself! Images below are originals taken directly from the movie at 1280×720 size! A bonus image stills set will be added on top of any updates next week for members, I have one such example image first (shown below)
This is the 3rd of 4 films featuring naughty schoolgirls, Aleesha Fox and Jenna Jay. In this short sharp shock film we see Aleesha given the paddle and cane in a humbling film that has her quickly trying to behave to avoid further pain, shame and humiliation as both implements are used with devastating effect on her sore red quivering bottom! Great reactions and some genuinely severe CP when a naughty girl must really learn her lesson the hard way! Enjoy the next installment from the “Uncle knows best” series.
As I mentioned yesterday, this movie can also be downloaded as a one off at the Clips Store HERE
OK, I was going to just show you the very latest update from Punishedbrats.com in 6 images, that is “Color me Red” – but since I had been so lazy in not promoting their fine work (especially as David filmed in his own home with Pandora Blake & one of my favourite dommes, Veronica Bound recently) then I should show you that… PLUS 6 images from a previous film with the delightful Mei Mara, who I am unable to resist from showing you today 🙂
Pandora has taken a temporary job as Veronica’s housemaid. She’s not off to a strong start when she fails to separate the laundry properly and dyes Veronica’s shirts red. Veronica is not easy to work for and Pandora is learning all of her rules and preferences the hard way.
& here below is Mei… breaking my strict 6 image rule already *sigh* – I think you can see why – she is HOT!!!
Mei felt entitled to an extra long lunch since Dr. Veronica had kept her overtime the night before. But Dr. Veronica is not at all pleased with the unauthorized break and gives the naughty receptionist a strapping on the spot.
CLICK ON THIS LINK to see the free previews of both films – out now!!!
You’ve probably seen this before, but this was the latest film from Firmhandspanking.com starring Kelly Morgan, who is simply “swchwiiiing-a-licious” and there’s actually a decent bare bum strapping from Mr Reed as you’ll see in this latest cadet Enforcement clip (and I somehow managed to keep it to just 6 images)
Making another girl do her dorm chores is a painful mistake for gorgeous Naval Cadet Kelly Morgan. Capt Reed gives her gym-toned bare bottom 43 with a leather tawse because she threatened another girl. Enjoy Reaction Cam replays and an out-take!
& you can see a FREE clip of this and the other stunning new films I can’t show you today (lol) HERE
Not sure if I had featured this but since all parts to it are available to members then the little featurette called “Oh Whatever!” from Northern Spanking is a fun take on life in the 1980’s – (my favourite decade) 🙂 – a bit harsh that so many hate the fashion faux pas and music… but hey… I liked it!!
Oh Whatever, featured Nicole Reina & Marcus Black with the use of his hand and cane and some fluorescent 80’s style clothing – sunglasses on please! (Thank you Aleesha and Zoe!)
Click here for more spanking shenannigans RIGHT HERE!
Having just watched the new “Star Trek: Into Darkness” movie TWICE (once in 3d and normal 2D) I can confirm that even if you are not a Trekkie… this is still a movie worth watching for sheer action and special effects that set it apart from all previous movies from this franchise… and now it is in a new timeline… then basically the future of young Kirk & Spock is again yet to be mapped out and that gives any writers freedom to do what the hell they want… well, Vulcan did implode in the last film which was shocking…. but as you can guess I could waffle and drone on all night about this… so mix this with spanking and what to you have? “Schhhapaaaankings in Schhh-paaace” of course on the Disciplinary Ship genesis! Courtesy of Spanked-in-Uniform.com (there’s also a new uniform series but I promised I’d keep this to a miminum and it’s my last site update today… so enjoy this, even if there are a couple extra images (oops)!
The Genesis arrived at the planet Reisa which is well known as a pleasure paradise. As the temptations of Reisa were too great for the crew, no one was allowed to the surface without the Captain’s permission. Ensign Aleesha and Danielle disregarded that order and took shuttle craft 2 to the surface. Of course Captain Rogers located their com badges and they were ordered back to the ship. He gave both ensigns a sound OTK spanking followed by 6 hard bare bottom whacks with his dreaded Stinger!
Check out all the latest Schpaaankings in space and here on planet earth at Spanked in Uniform