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3 Reasons to be British & Proud!

Great-Britain-FlagAs I type this, news of HRH The Duchess Of Cambridge is in labour with the future heir to the throne – at long last, the royal sprog has finally seen sense and can no longer chill out inside mummy… a bank of paparazzi  are awaiting the royal couple plus one and the circus is under way… now I don’t much care for those that wish our country to be a boring republic… I often find those that live in such republics often miss the pomp and splendour of the past which gives any country a unique edge… anyhoo, reason number 2… another fantastic performance in the Tour de France cycle race means even though the current holder of this race (Sir) Bradley Wiggins was injured and couldn’t take part, Chris Froome (who finished 2nd last year) won the 100th Tour in style… froomeI’m sure my lovely French readership (that are now fast disappearing, lol) will congratulate him wholeheartedly on another superb performance and how our boys are starting to dominate the world of cycling… I certainly see it on our roads as more and more people take to them and avoid my wheels of death on their racing bikes … and if I couldn’t piss off our wonderful colonial cousins from down under yet again…

reason 3: England’s awesome cricketers romp to a 2-0 lead in the Ashes Series, needing only a draw to retain them in the best of 5 series (we look so good that the rare phenomenon of a 5-0 drubbing is on the cards). For once the Australians are hoping our usually crap weather might fragment the 5 days tests and halt our lads from winning as easily as they did in the last test at Lords… as only the weather might stop them if we have thunder storms in between the intense lovely heatwave we are experiencing. hot-weatherBritain is a great place to be right now! It is as if God had blessed our small nation… and so to celebrate our awesomeness (lol, please, for the love of “God” do take this as tongue in cheek, I know there are those that find irony difficult to grasp at times), then why not check in on some equally great English spanking sites, including my own of course – with news of what is out and what will be coming this week!

Coming out later this week at – a truly English rose that is Amelia Jane Rutherford… spanked OTK and stripped naked for our viewing pleasure. Those who know Amelia will understand that she has a fantastic body and is not afraid to show it off, she insisted on a 2nd naked punishment spanking over my lap, I didn’t argue one little bit! The below images are 1st view screen shots taken from the film and will not be seen anywhere else yet at the time of writing, so please enjoy this special little early preview for yourselves! I hope my members approve at what they are about to see 🙂

Amelia’s Naked OTK

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The gist of this story was that Amelia had shamed and embarrassed me the previous night with her drunken behaviour… after making me a hot cup of early morning apology coffee, a hungover Amelia waited nervously for her inevitable scolding, with recollections of embarrassing events and a humiliating OTK spanking which resulted in her receiving one fully nude that she wouldn’t forget this start to her day in a hurry! (sigh, any excuse to get her kit off, eh?)

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This will be available later this week HERE but it will be aired EARLY (no later than tomorrow, below)
Showing at the CLIPS STORE

There is an extra incentive at the clips store as I am uploading a revamped HD version of a classic we filmed with Jasmine Lau – one of my fave films – “Nothing Sexual”. It’s now also inside the members area (upgraded free, of course) in HD-MP4 at 1280×720 instead of the original 960×540 WMV version. I’m also looking at removing many of the smaller WMV files to clear up disk space on my server as I don’t think these offer anything  to anyone now as most people would prefer to download the full files, am I right?

A quick reminder of Jasmine & myself (click image for gallery) in “Nothing Sexual” (below)



From I have 2 variants of excellence for you today! From the featured long play film, part 13 of “The Chosen” – this should and must win the film of the year… it was a massive project that only they could carry out with the help and 100% trust of the 2 subs involved, Sasha Harvey & Jadie Reece, who, as I am sure you will all recall are subjected to unknown and wicked punishments filmed throughout an entire day at the hands and various implements of Lucy Maclean & Stephen Lewis. They inflict much psychological torment and punishments on their 2 chosen victims! It was a spontaneous film and the images below are taken from the latest episode featured… if you want to know more scroll back over my archives and type in “The Chosen” as a search parameter, I’m sure you’ll be able to see more of this long play epic!

As you’ll see there is an epic twist with the unexpected punishment of cruel Lucy!

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All parts to this amazing full length movie are now up at

If you are interested, their very latest film also stars one Miss Amelia Jane Rutherford 🙂



Finally something a little different from an English site you don’t always hear about… but maybe you should as some of the films in it are excellent and they have been making movies in 1280×720 HD versions for yonks… that site is and I really love the F/F films they make when Mistress Lina is in control… take this collection of films which I know were made over 18 months or so ago but have been appearing at the site most recently when Sarah Bright worked with them. I loved this film and wanted to show you how she got her humiliating comeuppance as a stroppy hotel receptionist who gave such poor service to her customers that her boss (Lina) marched her into another room and gave her a thrashing then showed the hotel guest how they treated poorly behaved ladies with their bare bottoms on show! I’m off on company business later today (though I will take my laptop and phone so I am contactable most of the time) and I wouldn’t mind if this was their policy if I got treated badly… but as it’s a big chain, I highly doubt that, lol! Still, as you’ll see below, it’s a nice idea and one I thought appropriate to end on since I have to start packing in a mo! 🙂

“Staff Problems… the Receptionist”

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If you liked seeing a real grown woman get a proper spanking then check out MORE in this latest film below!



OK, still no sign of the Royal baby just yet… so I shall not wait a moment longer 🙂

Hope you are all having a great start to the week!



  1. Eddie Eddie

    As much as I’m proud to be British like your good self, I can’t help but feel irked because of David Cameron’s proposal to block onine porn. What do you think about this? Personally, I believe it’s up to parents to be responsible and install safe filters themselves, rather than letting the government and ISPs force the rest of us right minded people into doing so. I’d be interested to know your opinion.

  2. Tim Tim

    John yes a grand occasion for our country ,lovely Amelia Jane is most welcome on your site indeed ,best,Tim.

  3. Eddie,
    I’m never happy about “The State” telling us what we can and can’t do, especially over this naive campaign fuelled in part from the right wing tatt/tabloids like the Daily Mail, amongst the most ignorant of our niche, as some of my colleagues and girls I have worked with in the past will attest to! However, I say bring it on… my site and many of us are fully compliant, we don’t depict the most obscene images or involve ourselves with rape fantasies etc and in fact empower some women who triumph over some of us old jerks who are “punishing” them… as I often show what a sad hypocrite I am if it’s me spanking teh girls, as I act with mock outrage at something I’ve seen when in fact I’m dying to rip off the poor girl’s clothes and thrash her one… but the films, i hope, sometimes portrays this hopeless weakness in old codgers like myself, lol! Ours is a kinky site with a bit of an edge and focussed primarily on spanking and erotica of attractive girl next door types… I don’t want kids looking at my site, I’d be horrified. I want adults with funding who can help support my site with a membership and I hope that I give what they have so graciously paid for… if I was Cameron… I’d be more concerned about the file sharing and peer to peer networks that allow kids to make porn on their movies and spread their sordid tawdry efforts as we all know boys are far too immature to act responsibly who treat girl as “porn objects” from the proliferation of free sex tube sites… I kinda agree withthat… the net has become too easy to access porn… but I used to access my dad’s stash of nudies mags when i was in my early teens so nothing changes… boys will seek out these things…however, sites like myself are a little bit more grown up, we process for adults, to see our sites in full you need a credit card , basically. Let the government worry about lads sharing smart phone images and clips of their latest girlfriends without their knowledge – that is more of an issue in my opinion. let them do it… kids will find a way round the lazy “net nanny” option. I see a use to more personal devices anyway, such as tablets and phones and my sites already look good on them. Anyone wanting to watch porn on there are more than likely to “opt in” – I would without a second’s hesitation.

  4. Tim Tim

    Yes John yors are spanky fun with lovely girls spanked and playing yours ,best,Tim.

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