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Asstacular Image

Well, I am hoping to update the blog later, the connection comes and goes, I have contacted my internet provider and it’s an issue that they are aware of (fat lot of good it does me, though!) Fortunately I had updated the site with the new movie in advance so I only had to change some small files to reveal the updates… but it has screwed up my hopes for an easy upload of data while I am away in Nevada next week as I certainly don’t want to be uploading data from hotels and such (I’ll check the site, answer support queries as usual and will maybe update a small blog post as often as I can etc but uploading gigs of data isn’t what I need to be doing!!!) Anyway, more on the latest update later. Just wanted to share this awesome image of 3 girls and their amazing botties – who could resist spanking these, eh?

Enjoy the view!



  1. funkutron funkutron

    This looks like a job for Doctor Thermometerbottom! LOL! Where can I get a job like yours, smacking young ladies’ naughty little bottoms!

  2. Tim Tim

    These girls are cute, their botties look very spankable then they would lotion each others then cuddle, best, Tim.

  3. Funkatron, if you’re in the UK and want to dom girls i am always looking out for new gentlemen… I hope you have had experience… being on camera isn’t for everyone though.

    Just message me here if interested (or if any guys are) and i’ll see your correct email in the comments you leave and I’ll get back to you, can’t promise it will be immediate though as I’m preparing for the SL Party Vegas trip! But I will get back to those interested.

    & Tim…
    LOL, you have such a naughty imagination 🙂

  4. Tim Tim

    Well John the news is depressing but the is very good so i sit out then view lovely girls spanked and playing ,best,Tim.

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