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Coming Soon to AAA!

Sometimes you just have to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you did a great job… yesterday was one of those days and I really look forward to seeing the final edits of these films, I have checked the raw data to see if there are any problems with the video and apart from one foolish moment of me not deleting previous data on an SD card (meaning the bloody thing got full and I only noticed this as we were about to start the next film) it all went swimmingly… despite it being one of the smallest shoots I had done (me, Dodgy Dave and Lola with 2 cams and me rigging the lights etc) – hell, even the lighting was perfect… I won’t say what I do now, but the lighting I am finally getting right… it has only taken me 2 years, lol. I love learning new things and trying out different ideas on film, this shoot covered many of those as you will see!

Lola is a very sexy lady… so rather than have my ugly mug ruin things, we said the theme of the morning was pleasure & pain… “So go play with yourself, have fun and then try out some exciting new spanking implements I had just bought” – all I will say is that this will be HOT HOT HOT!


Lola also had the honours of being the 1st girl to wear my brand new cheer girl costume… I shall be taking this to Shadowlane too… but as you’ll see, I expect “One Tree Hill” to come sue me, LOL! *whoops!* “Go Ravens!”

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The 2 pics with Dave was the film that cut short (thankfully not a lot)
I was outside ensuring the cam got a good view of Lola out of the window!


PJ spanking lovers will NOT be disappointed in this great little film we did, I’m looking forward to seeing this one edited! That 3 tailed strap got a lot of action (it has finally gotten worn in so is a little more forgiving on a girl’s naughty bottom, but only a little!!!)

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As it was a lovely warm(ish) day, we had to film outside, so a couple of films with Lola as a naughty schoolgirl, I shall not give away why she got the carpet beater or why I looked so stern, you’ll discover this soon enough, all I shall say is I got “wet” – g’aahhhhhh!

& of course a studious Lola catching up on her homework using the internet for help when she was told not to and trusted not to continue using her smart phone means she won’t forget this demeaning punishment! I certainly didn’t, I liked what her homework was too… as you will find out soon 🙂


& of course I also had Dave involved in some of his favourite pastimes…
as I discovered to my “horror” – tee hee!


“What the deuce?” Dave smothered with love… & Lola’s ample charms and bottom get an airing!

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I could post images all day, so finally a couple from one of our last films, I liked Lola wearing her glasses!
She is one hot fitness instructor… punished by me & filmed for the fatties she mocked at the Gym Club!


That naughty mouth of hers is silenced with a ballgag and she is given a humiliating sustained severe punishment she would not forget… filmed for the gloating “fatties” she mocked in her fitness instruction courses! They demanded justice… we gave them what they wanted to see!!!



Don’t forget there is much more coming out – only at


“Vegas minus 1 day and counting!”



  1. Paul Down Paul Down

    Well i will give you a pat on the back chief thats because you have produced what looks like another great pyjama scenario.

    Cant wait as always.

    regards paul

  2. wowwwwwww 🙂 🙂 I can’t wait to check these vids/pix out. The hairbrush/cheerleader pic at the top of this post is a masterpiece.


  3. Thanks Dave, I promise this is a great movie, can’t wait for it to go “live”

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