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Triple A Nevada & Arizona

Apart from some nasty person using a stolen credit card to rip off my content to share for their own greedy profit (which will hurt my site an awful lot) I was having a terrific time away from it all as you may have guessed by my lack of posting here. So… Message to pirate, “ripping my site and the others of my friends in this biz is just killing this niche off!” makes it worse when you use STOLEN credit card details – anyway, won’t bore you all with it… just the crap we have to put up with, even when i’m trying to have a break and enjoy myself *sigh*

So here are some contrasting images I took of where we have been with Dodgy Dave (who appears to be unable to take normal pictures… LOL! )Can you guess what I’m on about? tee hee!


Taken at the Area 51 Supermarket & Diner… near, yup… area 51! (Off i95)


Some contrasting images of Death Valley

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Dave took a different view… heh heh! (below)


Hmmmm. see a theme developing? Check out the Hoover Dam (below)



A fave of mine was our visit to the Meteor Crater near Winslow, AZ.
Top “Impact” site… *guffaw*



Boy pants are definitely in!!!!

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Hurry Up! In a panic to make the next destination (oops!)


& of course the Grand Canyon, you can’t miss these iconic images of the World Heritage site! Eh?


SWS_8265a SWS_8267


“I say… top viewing!”

SWS_8281 SWS_8290


This last pic was my fave as this lovely Japanese girl spoke good English and we talked briefly about cosplay and such (I love it) … she agreed to pose for us and the images are great… (I think she knew Dave was taking some images earlier and she really didn’t mind as we took some great shots for her on the Grand Canyon rim in more secluded spots including some more risque ones she loved (on her camera!) but to be fair to her, I won’t show her face here… but what happens in Arizona… stays in Arizona, I guess! I LOVE America and the whacky stories that get thrown up on our travels! 😉

Have a good one… I shall be reporting on our film exploits at SL this coming weekend and of course letting you know from my 1st hand experience as a newbie at this famous event!

One Comment

  1. Tim Tim

    John the pics are good ,best from ,Tim.

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