Hi everyone… I don’t have much time so I’m going to use this post today just to advise you of my latest film I loved making not so long ago with Joey & Kaye, who hail from near Dallas, Texas! I wanted 2 grown up ladies to have some playtime fun with on camera… but although both gals are in their 30’s (and look awesome, by the way) that was as far as their maturity went, lol… I mean this in the best way, of course… as I am about the most immature guy out there producing spanking erotica, I reckon… have you read my blog and the “Trouser Arousal” incidents? Enough said… tee hee! So instead, I got 2 brats, 2 very sassy Texan gals… and we had a blast!!! Case in point, this film… the girls were incorrigible and deigned to show off their recently spanked bums to the folk below chilling out by the pool. Their asses were pressed hard against the windows, they were banging on the window panes and I am sure a few of the guys below got a right eyeful of reddened tushy… so after they had their fun… I decided to scrap a film idea I had and instead thrashed them there and then and made them show off their “clever asses” again! It was far more fun for me second time around… Joey hated the 3 tailed strap I brought out… but brats need teaching a lesson. Both girls took their punishment beautifully in this lovely impromptu film and I’m happy that some of the lighting wasn’t as bad as I had feared (ever filmed against strong light sources like a window at midday? It’s terrifying… lol!)
I think the image (above) sums up these 2 naughty gals perfectly! “Trouble” with a capital T!!!
Did I have fun making this film? I will let you see the results of some cracking images that members can see, although members get to see them in 1800×1200 size resolution (nice!) alongside the film and over 150 video images which are taken too!
The name of the film? “Bottom Flashers” – I have some video screen images below so you can see EXACTLY what happened, it includes images of strapping and use of the hairbrush!
This was a short sharp shock spanking film with a kinky twist & hard tearful strappings. The girls thought it would be fun to embarrass John in his hotel suite by showing off their delectable spanked butts from a previous film to everyone below sunning themselves innocently by the pool, flashing their asses to those who happened to look up at that window! They hadn’t thought about the fact that this could be construed as public indecency or worse so when John caught them messing around he made sure they would get something to show for their troubles if that was how they wanted to behave! The girls were placed in awkward & embarrassing spanking positions under & over each other then each naughty madam was given the dreaded 3 tailed leather strap. Joey found this rather hard to take as her tears welled up as she bravely took her punishment! Join in the fun, mayhem & spirit of what it’s sometimes like to film at a Spanking Party event… tears & shame turn to smiles & laughter again by the end… & some continued naughty flashing to Joe Public of their freshly tanned behinds!
CLICK HERE to see a free HD-Wmv clip of this latest film…
Of course, you can also see this film in full as a one off download at the CLIPS Store too!
As I’m just finishing this post, I am laughing as I am also watching the most ridiculous film ever made with Brit waif babe, Kiera Knightly, who can only ever play posh totty (so seeing her as a foul mouthed bounty hunter is hilarious… anyway, a nice distraction, movie poster is below of Kiera in the film, “Domino”… one young lady most definitely in need of a good hard spanking in my humble opinion!!! Good night y’all.
Oh! Those photos look just adorable. I haven’t gotten to spend time with Joey, but Kaye is fabulously fun and it looks like that shows very well in the content! 😀
Thanks, Alex… pity no one else seems to think so, not a peep on other sites about this fab fun naughty film… oh well *sigh* heh heh 🙂