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A Sunday Teaser

I have been away helping to film with Paul at as well as producing a few extra films myself… just as a way of a teaser image… here is one such example below… I will be back later with a good round up of what I have been catching up on elsewhere… including news and some behind the scenes shots of what I just got up to in all manner of excellent spanking pervery this past week which I am sure you will enjoy!

New girl Rosie Ann & Jenna Jay in an aftermath shot!


I better get the next post out before tonight’s big World Cup Final game…

I will NOT be supporting Madame Presidente Kirchener’s mob, this isn’t an ideal final if you are Brazilian, Dutch or English… Germany get my nod for the mere fact that I dislike their team less than the Argies (in my case, anyone but Argentina) … I am hoping that my TV screen tonight is awash with Argie tears (of sadness and despair) come the end of the final game. “Deutschland uber Alles!” 🙂


  1. David Webley David Webley

    Like you it’s anyone but Argentina!

  2. Tim Tim

    I know lovely Jenna Jay from AAA Spankings and Northern spanking the other girl is new ,looks hot ,best,Tim.

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