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Spanking Galleries

Sorry I haven’t been keeping up to date with my blog… if you are up to date on Twitter or Fetlife then you’d know Sarah Gregory is here with me in England at the moment… see below, we shot this in a famous old woodland setting on Dartmoor a few days back!

spankedinthewoods2 spankedinthewooods

Sarah just uploaded a free spanking clip on Fetlife earlier, I don’t have it here… we had to rush it as there was a “pervy” guy who knew we were up to no good (stalking us) and the spanking noises couldn’t have helped (once we started this, lol!) Still… I managed to make sure her bum started turning red before we decided to stop before getting caught!

I have a few galleries from AAA Spanking (recent & older) in the meantime to keep you amused!

Click any image to lead to that gallery

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 spanking

AAA Spanking


  1. Dodgy Dave Dodgy Dave

    Nice spanking, Best Dodgy

  2. Tim Tim

    Lovely girls being spanked ,best , Tim .

  3. Rick Rick

    Lots of moss in those woods!

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