Ok, it hasn’t been easy to write much since the party which was well over a week ago now… I had a double drop after the party… and leaving Las Vegas, of course (which didn’t help). However, let’s not dwell on that, I’m back and should be posting here far more regularly again. Behind the scenes stuff, industry updates and whatnot… Getting out posts like this are usually hard for me, especially since the party was like a blur, lots of filming, party play, socializing and going out as well as staying up very late, with little sleep and I also had to contract a nasty little cold at the time, but just enough to drain me on the odd time I played too hard (damn damn damn!).
This announced itself to me just as we got there (great!) and only really got better on the last night… what a bitch! It didn’t stop me from enjoying myself though. As I said… I helped Sarah film a lot of content but most of the behind the scenes pics I have were from my own phone camera and I have no idea which site these will end up on… just be aware that this was a tiny part of what we filmed, it just happens that I focused on cheerleaders when I did take a sneaky pic off set (ahem!). There are also a few behind the scenes play at the party, which IÂ did a lot more of this time round (it’s never enough, lol). These are basically to fill in the gaps and make the layout look nice!

The last 3 images are not of films (the final image is Sarah & I having some spanking fun at a friend’s house) the 2 previous grainier images were taken by Sarah on my phone when I didn’t know she was taking a couple of pics of me warming up a lovely girl called Daisy (she is featured spanked by Sarah in the last pic too) – and yes, I was using my “Ouch.uk.com” (CDS) Compliance Discipline Strap… sadly I didn’t bring their “AAA branded” Canadian Prison Strap as it was too big to go into my luggage! All previous images were taken during  filming and you can make out myself, Johnny (FLAPaddler), Miss Chris, Sarah, Melody Nore, Maddy Marks & Adriana Evans.
More Cheer girls? Yay for Adriana Evans, Stevie Rose & Maddy Marks!
I don’t have an image but I filmed a brutal and thought provoking film which I think will end up on AAA with Adriana getting THE mouth soaping of the century by Miss Chris as well as an awesome more traditional punishment. It was intense and emotional! Sarah made some great films for Momma that I know of… Miss Chris played her Mom in one and there was a fantastic spanking role reversal with Maddy playing Sarah’s daughter (I love watching Sarah getting mean!) Equally she would say the same of me and in 2 films that I was in, I was MEAN… thank you to Melody and… Erica Scott. Erica filmed with us a couple of wonderful vids too, one was intense and emotional… so I hope the fuckos that complained about any films we had starred in before not being severe enough (as it was Erica) will appreciate this. Of course we put Erica into a cheergirl uniform too… just because we could… Â and it was hilarious, we just asked her to bitch, sass and complain about it… and it obviously came too easily to her, but I don’t blame her at all. Still, this will be the only time you’ll see Erica in such a costume! & “Thank you” Erica!
We saved the most intense film for last, a really mean caning scene of Stevie Rose and Adriana Evans after they both got a hand spanking to warm them up (as they were going to need it!). Both girls were in tears and real pain, so much so that each girl could NOT make the required dozen in one go, it was that severe. Luckily Sarah and I could see after strike 2 of the cane on Adriana that we had to break it up into 2 sets of six for the girls. That was no break on them though… they had to watch each other and they gripped each other’s hands tightly in support… the atmosphere was electric by the time they made it (it really was touch and go even for these 2 girls who are among the biggest players out there!) I doubt nothing like that has ever been filmed of them together like that. Thank you to Johnny who was awesome in the caning role, it was a “pleasure” to watch, that is how you wield a “stick” – Sticks!
I have to thank Tony, Eve & Butch for hosting the party and of course Joe (Dr Lectr) who helped organize more suite party mayhem as well as many others I am too burnt out to remember, and I apologize. Brunch in suite 801 was fantastic on the Sunday. Thank you to everyone attending, making me smile as I heard the familiar “slap-slap slapping” spanking sounds from behind the doors, it is a surreal and heart warming experience. The party is also a great place to catch up with friends, like Paul & Alex from Northern spanking who partied hard, and filmed hard too! #weknow #MaxKnows
I needed respite after… Sarah and I sought it at our usual place just off The Strip, our fave pool to relax and enjoy each other’s company, people watch, soak up some rays from that gorgeous dry heat and swim in a nice pool with some fantastic tunes which could have come straight off Sarah’s iPod sounding out over the pool – Â Heaven!
What a pool view! 🙂
Bye Bye Vegas… looking forward to seeing you again & the spanko fun that will bring!
I’d love to have told MORE stories but we played in private with some people and I guess that remains a delicious spanko memory for us all. This is what the suite parties all over were like, private and public play. I can’t wait to help host Lone Star Spanking party #2 at the bigger more kink friendly hotel next May 19-23 (2016). More on that soon!!!Â
& don’t forget – ANYONE out west MUST try a Double Double with or without cheese “Animal Style” with extra onions from the BEST Burger chain in the world… In-N-Out – they even have a 50’s retro feel to their places which I love. As approved & devoured by “The Chief” (below)
This leaves me with a long overdue post on the update I should have covered at all the SG spanking sites – there are plenty new ones but I will cover AAA Spanking today as I had that one (kind of) prepared already and I knew what was coming there already. It’s an all British girl spanking extravaganza filmed a few years ago so I know this one well. Zoe Page is the displeased landlady fed up with the non payment excuses for the monthly rent from Aleesha Fox… who quickly understands no money means a very sore red bottom!
Aleesha’s Rent Arrears (A “rear” buttbuster of a film)
Aleesha Fox was behind on her rent and her landlady, Zoe Page, had grown tired of the excuses. This time Aleesha had no valid excuse and Zoe could see she had been buying new clothes for work. Aleesha was told that she’d get a humiliating over the knee spanking right there and then after the latest excuses did not impress Zoe. Watch a hot girl on girl OTK spanking with caustic scolding and put downs as well as hard spankings from Zoe. Classic British girls go head to head in this all female spanking film.
This video is also available to download in Full HD at the Clips Store (see below)
It was great to see you and Sarah at SL! Looks like you got some great films. 🙂
I wish we could have hung out more too! Hmmm, I better go to bed 🙂
I defy anyone to complain about any lack of severity in our scenes this time! :-Þ So glad you were able to make such a productive weekend of it, despite not feeling well.
Hi Chief,
Can I tsake it the pic with Sarah in those perfect pink jammies is part of a vid for either your site or hers (and hopefully on Clips4sale).
I cant think of anyone at present who looks as good as Sarah getting a pyjama tanning.
regards as ever Paul
Thanks to ATVOD it’s ALL Sarah’s sites now (I’d laugh but it’s not that funny and not something I did lightly but I trust her and I am an affiliate, she gets all the edits done and decides what goes out). I promote the sites although of course I have a special affiliation with AAA since I helped create and film pretty much everything on my own before end of 2014 and there’s still tons of content to come from that era!
Anyway, I still have some influence, of course but Sarah wears the trousers in this now! (probably for the best!)
I haven’t asked her but that scene will most definitely be for Momma Spankings and of course she IS awesome in these situations.
Thanks for your input, Paul.
Yeah, get those big burgers, and make sure they “Supersize” the fries. Plenty of big fat bottoms to smack in the good old USA these days, that’s for sure….
Great Post baby!