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Spanking Awards – Best Creative Blog 2015


The first results of this year’s Spanking Awards are in and I can tell you this was a REALLY close run thing between the Top 3 placings, Only 7 votes separated 1st & 3rd PLACE. Seriously, it was that close! We have a new winner this year… please congratulate CONSENSUAL SPANKING (a new entrant this year)… to see second and third places and all placings… scroll below for the full results.

WINNER – Consensual spanking

2nd – Erica Scott – Life Love & Spanking


3rd – Alex in Spankingland



& I say this every year now, to those that were nominated (if you are in any way disheartened that your percentages may appear low) please remember that YOU WERE NOMINATED to make the Top 10 or so to be voted on in the first place… that in itself is a fantastic achievement. Does that sound patronising? It wasn’t meant to be…I just want to say thank you for making the grade and continue what you’re doing! Be thankful you’re not in the NEWS category (you’ll see soon enough, LOL!)

Again, well done to you all and I hope that there are more new entrants next year, this years’s vote has been exciting to watch! I have a feeling this year’s entire awards are going to be exciting, and watch out for new nominations to vote on later today for BEST FEMALE & MALE SPANKERS… there’s some very deserved people in this too and I know this is going to be a close call for all involved!


  1. Big thanks to everyone who voted! Really honored to have placed again this year. 🙂

  2. Congrats to all the winners! I was so excited to even be included and I am thrilled that I got some votes 🙂

  3. Thank you to all the participants! I’m so happy to be in such good company. 🙂

  4. Stunned, is my reaction! I was thrilled to be nominated, and amazed to have won, over so many other wonderful blogs. I might suggest as being the only blog where the male is the person who is almost always spanked, I garnered all the F/M votes, while all other TTWD varieties were spread over all the other entrants. congrats for everyone that was nominated, and to everyone else creating spanking blogs, tumblrs, wordPress site4s. Bottoms up!!! Red

  5. Congrats, Red. Not sure that is entirely true… what with Pandora being there too! You won because it’s a good read! Well done 🙂

  6. Congrats to the top 3 .

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