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Liars get the Hairbrush

plantsWhen we make spanking films, we often take moments from our past as a reference for an idea or an event which happened which we can use as a storyline or a loose plot etc. This latest film at had something like this from my own past which we introduced into this short, sharp shock style film. I look back on this moment and it took me nearly 20 years to admit to my family what I did. Reminiscing at a later date, it seemed hilarious. However, my poor sister got a genuine hard spanking off my mother for what I did and she had no idea it was coming.

I still remember the event like it was yesterday even though I was about 6 years of age. I was bored and saw my younger sister who would be about 4 or 5 at the time. She was  playing with her dolls, oblivious to what I was about to do. At this age I knew right from wrong and deliberately uprooted all the potted plants in the living room and made a real mess. I don’t know why exactly I did it, but I then ran off to my mother and shouted that my sister had done something terrible in the Living Room. My mother went spare when she saw the utter devastation. I also remember my sister quietly playing with her dolls unaware of what I had done and what was about to happen. Mother then punished my sister in front of me.

I know it’s a wicked thing… it was a dirty secret that I kept until I confessed many years later and both my mother and sister remembered this incident well. Oops! Anyway, yes, I could be a naughty devious boy. The things we kids do, eh? LOL! So, this film is based on that episode in my life and it is payback for the perpetrator… played by Alice Michaels (below) and Mom is played by Sarah Gregory.

Sarah Gregory
Sarah Gregory (Mom) is waiting for her daughter Alice – she has something to discuss with her! 

Liars get the Hairbrush – featuring Alice Michaels & Sarah Gregory

liars_get_hairbrush002 liars_get_hairbrush003 spanking a liar liars_get_hairbrush004 liars_get_hairbrush005 liars_get_hairbrush006 liars_get_hairbrush007 liars_get_hairbrush008 liar2 liars_get_hairbrush009 liars_get_hairbrush010 Alice Michaels is given a hard spanking liars_get_hairbrush011 liars_get_hairbrush012 otk spanking liars_get_hairbrush015 liars_get_hairbrush016

Alice had really gone and done it this time. Last week she was bored and saw her little sister playing happily on her own. Alice didn’t like how she was playing so happily so wrecked the living room. She pulled up potted plants and spread earth all over the floor. She then ran to mommy and told lies about who did it! Her poor sister got such a whacking, and she watched it all gleefully. What a wicked little girl! She would have got away with it too but for the nanny cam. Mom just happened to check it as the storage was full and remembered that awful incident the previous week. When she sees the truth she summons Alice to the Living Room for a showdown. Alice has no excuse and mother tells her that “Liars get the hairbrush”. This is a swift OTK bare bottom spanking and a severe, uncompromising hairbrush whacking. This leaves Alice gasping in pain clutching her sore red bottom! Trust is important in this family, lying will not be tolerated!

 hairbrush spanking

You can also view this film at the CLIPS STORE – it is available in full HERE


  1. Tim Tim

    Cute little Alice has a sound spanking for badness ,best , Tim .

  2. Rick Rick

    I’d rather see Sarah as the “spankee” than the spanker….

  3. Haha! I remember you telling us that story when you guys were visiting my house. It’s fun to see it made into a film! 🙂

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