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Spanking Biz

Industry updates… or an excuse to show you some cracking images from various producers this week? You decide! Well… you’d expect that… as it’s a spanking blog, after all… so I try not to include too much newsy stuff in the outside vanilla world as there are all our fave news sites and blogs/other media we use for that… obviously!

help4heroes But every so often events outside shake or affect ME in such a way that I might comment or rant (as you may have noticed) on a particular newsworthy item. So I won’t rant on too long about the appalling act of public murder in broad daylight yesterday about the scum that wanted to attract attention to their cause by hacking to death an off duty British soldier wearing this similar designed t shirt (left) … we don’t have the death penalty in this country anymore, which is more the pity in my opinion, but to those wondering if the 2 perpetrators who wantonly courted their infamy by inviting those around to film their disgusting act for maximum impact… they are still recovering in hospital under armed guard. I wanted them to die, at first… but I think we’re above that in the short term… however, if they think they will have a cushy life in jail (as so many of our villains do, it would appear from the many tabloids banging on about prison cells with paid for SKY TV and X Box 360’s and such) … I do hope that each day behind bars brings them renewed terror and fear for their own miserable existence until someone probably puts them out of their misery. (Aaah, now I’ve lost my head!) Why? because I have family members in the armed forces and feel like it’s an attack on my family from this random cruel and despicable act. Anyway, I won’t rant on further… I think I have made myself clear on this matter and how I feel #numb #angry #shocked

Shall we begin? “Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!”


Pretty girls and beautiful spanked bottoms are just the cure for my sudden anger yesterday (which is why I didn’t post anything) and I actually enjoyed watching more parts of this fantastic feature length film earlier today which is currently showing at Spanking Sorority Girls – it’s more like one of the Exclusive Education Series that Clare so loved doing. I think The Cameraman couldn’t wait or wanted to do something with some of my favourite spanking girlies… you’ll see them all, including Snow, Veronica, Sarah, Christy, Kat, Pheonix and Paris but to name a few *lustful sigh*

Click on images below for the larger ones from this film series now showing at Spanking Sorority Girls

A Paddling Special Feature!

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012 012a

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This is the EPIC episode of the year with Teacher Miss Snow and senior sister Sarah Gregory overseeing the initiation of sorority pledges Veronica Ricci, Paris Kennedy, Christy Cutie, Kat St James, Riley Evans, Phoenix Askani, Edanya and Koko… with Sister Mary Ginger also getting involved in the paddling action.


If you thought that was cute (actually some of the paddling is rather GOOD!) – then check out a private punishment between Sarah & Christy… both are undeniably cute and Sarah Gregory doesn’t hold back one little bit as Christy’s  gorgeous bare behind is given a further spanking (and why not?) CLICK HERE or image below which leads to a very special FREE Gallery



Another site within the CLARE FONDA PASS network is shown next and I got the last 2 episodes for you, just 6 images each, or I’ll be here all day (lol) – but you’ll get the idea!

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007 009

012 014

In the latest spanking soap opera episode (full film now available to download, btw) : Office manager Aaliyah Love has been ordered to use Rose (played by Ashley Rose) as a new employee at the office. But Rose is a terrible worker. So what’s a boss to do? She spanks Rose over her knee to teach her a lesson before bending her over her desk and giving her several whacks with a hard wooden ruler.

The previous episode stars one of my faves at this site: Kay “husky voice n’ ass to die for” Richards

Don’t miss this bubble butt spanking extravaganza (Kelli’s butt is a-maaaazing!)

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010 011

012 (1) 016

Kay was spanked by Kelli Staxxx because she spanked her girlfriend. But now if she doesn’t want Kay to tell, she must submit to a painful spanking of her own. So Kay puts the round-bottomed girl right over her knee for a sound spanking.

Oh… and of course in previous episodes you’ll get to see Kay getting the same treatment! #hawt


Set to see each and every episode (over 130 now) at


Both sites shown above are part of the 5 site CLARE FONDA PASS
making all sites available together at a fraction of the combined cost!


Some incredible updates next from Paul & Lucy’s site

Sally spanked by nurse Sarah Bright (love these images!!!)


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Introducing Heather Green : The last of the 2012 Las Vegas debutentes seen below presenting Mr Lewis their erstwhile and well travelled disciplinarian with her very own wooden paddle for application to her delightful round bottom!

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& from the recent joint shoot, I did with Northern & Alex Reynolds, their 1st film from this day, and it’s a good one, Alex had already wrote about her experience and Paul made a rather good stern father figure in this film and gave her a good thrashing as you will see below! (Nice PJ’s too!)

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Click here to see more fantastic spanking updates


Alex is involved in the next update, but mainly as a worried observer at in the 2nd part of the U.S. Exchange Student you’ll see when the uber gorgeous Leandra is given a spanking punishment in front of her at St Catherines – which means only one thing… it’s the schoolgirl section update… and check out her very shapely bottom getting a sound thrashing! #mmm #OMG


In part two exchange student Alex Reynolds sees first hand what her bottom can expect if she misbehaves at St. Catherines. While the Headmaster stepped out, Leandra did no homework so when he returned, he gave her a sound tawsing, some cornertime, a sound birching and he finished off with six of the best using the cane. Alex was horrified but she behaved herself the rest of the time she spent at St. Catherines.


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Click here for more excellent “Sch-paaankings” from Holland



Finally today, I’d like to wish Mr Stern a speedy recovery at – he’s in hospital having some bed rest whilst nurse Sarah Bright tends to his every wicked need… probably caused by a combination of too much spanking… he’ll be up and hobbling about in no time chasing errant madams and cash strapped employees with his trusty leather paddle and canes in no time! Check out a fine collection of his recent work below, each image leads to a great free gallery (with some wicked photography his site is known for!)

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get to see more of Mr Stern’s films with great free HD previews HERE


& that’s it from me… back soon, my mood has somewhat lifted since I started writing this post earlier today (yes, I come back to it in many draft stages) – here’s a nice pic to keep you all amused which I found via my TUMBLR Blog – Enjoy!


One Comment

  1. Tim Tim

    John agreed about your first comment entirely .Beautiful girls featured here ,the college theme is great ,best,Tim.

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